| How To’s

Winter is Coming! How to Prepare Your Apartment

What is “winterization,” you ask? It refers to the process of preparing something for winter and the holiday season, in this case: your rental apartment. Hollyburn Properties goes to great lengths to train our resident managers on winterizing their buildings. This process includes clearing all eaves and drains of leaves and debris, pruning the landscaping, storing hoses, sprinklers and garden equipment, shoveling snow, salting walkways and testing building boiler and heating systems.

As a benefit of being a renter, the majority of winterization processes are taken care of for you (phew)! There are still, however, several tips and tricks to keep you comfortable during the colder season, and to ensure your holiday plans run as smoothly as a warm cup of eggnog.

As the holiday season approaches, many of you will be travelling or having company over to enjoy a good meal. In order to make sure there are no last minute surprises (such as an oven or appliance not working when you need it most), please check the operation of the following appliances and systems in your home:

  • All stove burners
  • Oven
  • Broiler
  • Microwave
  • Dishwasher
  • Drains – sink, bathroom, guest rooms, etc.
  • Garbage disposer
  • Heating vents

If something requires attention, please inform your resident manager as soon as possible, so that we can respond to maintenance requests in advance of the hustle, bustle and stress of the holiday season. This will also allow us enough time to order any parts if necessary.

As a friendly reminder, please be aware that live Christmas trees and unattended candlesare not permitted in Hollyburn suites related to City fire codes. However, artificial trees and other seasonal decorations are highly encouraged!

We would like to wish you a happy and festive holiday season and hope everyone enjoys relishing in their warm and cozy apartments as the cold winds howl outside.

Season’s Greetings,

Your Hollyburn Properties Management Team

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