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A Year in Review

As 2016 came to an end and with the New Year now well underway, we reflected on the customers and communities we serve, within our rental buildings, among our valued residents and staff, and amidst the community at-large. The Hollyburn Properties team believes in strong family and community values, and each year we work to embody those values by providing quality homes, contributing to vibrant neighbourhoods and offering rewarding careers that empower our staff to give back.

We’ve put together an annual newsletter, which highlights some positive projects, milestones, events, and initiatives that were achieved in 2016. For example, did you know that Hollyburn Properties completed Bridgewater, our first new construction purpose-built rental building in August, bringing 130 new rental suites to the City of North Vancouver? (And that two additional rental projects were approved for North and West Vancouver.) Or that we conducted a full LED lighting retrofit for all Vancouver building hallways, including motion-censors in parkades, reducing Hollyburn’s energy consumption for lighting by a whopping 61%?

These achievements and many more to discover in the 2016 Hollyburn Herald, available here for download.

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